Montag, 25. Mai 2015

Kim Kardashian Cried When Kanye West Gave Her Closet A Makeover!

Remember when Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West first got together, and Yeezy decided she wasn't chic enough so he and his stylist cleaned out her closet?

Well, it turns out it was far from a painless experience.

[ Related: Kim Kardashian Shares Lots Of Unseen Pics From Her European Wedding ]

Kimmy appeared on Monday's Live With Kelly & Michael and talked all about her husband's style overhaul! She explained:

"They put everything that he thought wasn't 'cool enough' in a pile, and I walked in and it was like a pile to the ceiling of shoes. All my amazing shoes that I loved, and I started crying. I was like, 'I can't get rid of this stuff, your stylist has no idea what she's talking about.' So I put it all in another room, and I was like, 'I'll trust your opinion, but I'm not getting rid of my stuff. Let me see what you're really talking about.' Then I walk into my room, and there's an entire room filled with all new clothes. All the stuff he wanted to fill back up my closet with. It was, like, really cool new designer stuff — I hadn't even heard of some of these designers before. And it really helped me fall in love with fashion. I eventually did get rid of most of that stuff, and my style has evolved and changed. But I couldn't see it at that time."

And they matched happily ever after! LOLz!

Kim has definitely been through lots of style transformations, but we're curious if you like her Kanye-ified looks best? Let us know in the comments!

[Image via Instagram.]

more: #KanyeWest, #KimKardashian, #LoveLine

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