Over the weekend, a number of Australian and New Zealand Netflix customers were charged multiple times by the U.S. streaming video company in an apparent billing error.
Netflix users took to social media to voice their concerns, with some complaining the excessive subscription charges had drained their bank account.
#Netflix please fix your billing issues, I got charged $11.99/month 11 times until my bank goes insufficient fundspic.twitter.com/k2acEBmxUL
— David (@Dave2307) May 24, 2015
More about Netflix, Australia, and Us WorldIf you use Netflix Australia you might want to look over your bank statement. Being charged four times in a month seems excessive, no?
— N (@nick_marland) May 24, 2015
more: http://wp.me/p55gzU-ctv. #Australia, #Netflix, #UsWorld
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