Sonntag, 24. Mai 2015

Myo armband makes hands-free motion control real

Gesture-controlled computing is well on its way to transitioning from fantasy to reality

It's most often accomplished via vision sensors that watch you or your hands and track your movement (think Microsoft Kinect for Xbox)Myo, however, is a gesture controlled armband that reads forearm muscle movement to interpret a wide range of intentions.

With its matte-black rubber covering, zigzag bands and block-like contact and sensor modules, Myo, which was designed by Thalmic labs, looks less like an interface-control device than one of Batman’s nifty “toys.” (You can get it in white, too, but why would you?) Read more...

More about Motion Control, Tech, Gadgets, Mobile, and Gestures
more: #Gadgets, #Gestures, #Mobile, #MotionControl, #Tech

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