Samstag, 16. Mai 2015

4 ways to be more appealing to your dream companies

When you're searching for a job, your goal isn't to find any job. Right? It's to find your dream job. So, here's a secret: If you want to land that ideal role, the #1 most important thing you can do is to be clear on and confident in your specific career goals

This is counterintuitive. The old school way of thinking is to mold yourself to each opportunity you apply for. The downside to this approach, though, is that you only project a generic view of who you are. On the other hand, the clearer you are about who you are and what you're looking for, the more likely you'll be to find it — and be hired for it Read more...

More about Hiring, Career Guidance, Business, Jobs, and Career Advice
more: #Business, #CareerAdvice, #CareerGuidance, #Hiring, #Jobs

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