Samstag, 16. Mai 2015

Cannes review: Woody Allen's 'Irrational Man' taps into a main vein

CANNES, France — Only Woody Allen can open a film with a quote from Immanuel Kant set to a peppy classic jazz tune and get away with it.

And “getting away with it” is what Irrational Man is all about. While he's re-teamed with Emma Stone, this is not another wafer-thin rom-com like last year's Magic in the Moonlight. Set at a college campus, where it's socially acceptable to go around quoting Kant, Irrational Man is a mostly serious, but highly energetic morality play.

SEE ALSO: 'Mad Max: Fury Road' Review: Drive like hell to see this Maxterpiece

The dinner table-like discussion boils down to this: We all think we know right from wrong, but don't circumstances change things? Read more...

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